Artists from over 80 Countries are about to decend on Cairns Australia again for our Australian Watercolour Muster Biennale - 2025!
The 'AWMuster' is geared so you can meet as many of these Artists as possible - watch them work and hang in the evenings to enjoy a wine and chat - building your network with local, interstate and international Artists - it's a great network that is open to you all - joins us 18th to 22nd September 2025, to discover the power of collaborative Art!
Opening Night 2025
The Court House Gallery
Saturday 20th of September 2025 6:00 PM
We Invite you to Join Us - for a dramatic night of Art with Internationally renown Artist J.Hunsung - come and meet all our international, interstate and local Artists.....>
THIS IS THE 'MUSTER' CALL to all Artists - 2025!
This section covers the key dates for artists entering the Art Show: Opening of Submissions; Closing of Submissions; Advice of Artwork Acceptance; Artwork Delivery times; Gala Opening Night; Art Show Opening times; and Collection of Unsold Artworks
The Detail in this section defines the 'Key Dates' and pricing for Artists relating to their Entry and Collection of Artworks for The Australian Watercolour Muster Biennale - 2025 Cairns Australia
This Section includes the details and sizing of Artworks that will be accepted under each of the four (4) Categories we have open for the Australian Watercolour Muster Biennale - 2025.
This Section outlines all Terms and Conditions for Artists to observe when considering Entry to the Australian Watercolour Muster Biennale 2025.
This Section outlines the Commission on Sales to the Australian Watercolour Muster Biennale - 2025 and the conditions of payment to the Artists on the finalisation of sales of their Work.
This Section is designed to introduce the Judging Panel and explain the Judging process.