The judging panel will consist of two Art Specialists from either Australia or Internationally - chosen by The Australian Watercolour Muster - 2025, Curator Wyn Vogel.
An additional judge may be appointed at the discretion of the Curator in exceptional circumstances.
Judges may consider anything they may in their absolute discretion deem relevant as part of their judging criteria - including the artist’s creativity and technical skill.
All decisions by judges are at their absolute discretion and are final and binding on all artists.
No correspondence will be entered into with any artist in relation to any matter concerning the art prize, the short listing of works to be exhibited, or any other matter whatsoever.
Artists (or others on behalf of an artist) who attempt to influence the judging (either directly or indirectly) (the decision of which shall be in the absolute discretion of the judges) may cause the artist’s work to be disqualified.
** Please refer to the 'Acceptable Artworks Section' and 'Terms and Conditions' on this website for the full details under each of these Categories.