From: Thursday September 18, 2025, 10:00 am
To: Thursday September 18, 2025, 2:30 pm
Join Us - In Tropical North Queensland for this magic Workshop!
@ The Tanks Arts Centre - Cairns Botanical Gardens -
Thursday 18th September 2025 - 10am to 2.30pm
46 Collins Ave, Cairns, QLD, Australia 4870
Trees! What's not to love about our amazing Australian trees?
Have you ever wanted to be able to paint them in watercolour but feel you are a little overwhelmed?
The diverse types of trees surrounding us in the Australian landscape are so exciting to portray in watercolour and there are so many ways to paint these wonderful trees. Join me for this workshop that will be all about contemporary trees in the landscape and I will share a wealth of tips and techniques and give guidance enabling you to create your very own, unique artwork. Expand your artistic horizons with a workshop all about trees!
The Aim- To explore the form, the effects of light and the atmosphere created by trees in the landscape and how to achieve this with tone, colour and creative brush strokes. This will enable you to create your own unique artwork in the workshop and in the future using the tips and techniques learned in the workshop.
What You Will Get - a reference image will be supplied for your inspiration along with loads of tips and techniques you will receive a free 'Trouble Shoot Your Painting' sheet from Jude.
Materials to Bring:
Jude recommends you tick off from the list as you put into your bag/case/backpack!
1. Sketchbook – what ever size/format you will feel comfortable with. This will be for thumbnail and general sketches and colour swatches and sketching and small paintings.
2. Watercolours. Please use tubes of paint, these should be squeezed onto a palette and be firm enough not to leak into one another for travelling. Paints in a dry block format are impossible to use for paintings, best kept for small sketches.
** See my preferred Holbein list below. No need to buy specially if you already have these colours in other brands as long as they are professional quality not student quality.
3. If topping up fresh paint into your before you leave palette, do this a few days before - leave to the lid open to allow them to 'firm' up so they don't all mix up together during travel!! EEEEK!
4. Watercolour palette.....please have large clean areas for mixing on your palette before you come:) Don't have a travel palette? Check out my store website
5. 2B pencils.....I love the mechanical ones best, 2B . and size .07 (.05 too fragile for me.)
6. Brushes......all your faves and include a brush for big washes that have a fine point....if not sure what to use I will have some for sale.
7. An eraser
8. An old towel to protect the working surface, doesn't need to be larger than 40 x 60 cms.
9. A backing board to support your paper.....waterproof Coreflute is perfect ( 5mm from Bunnings)
10. Clips or tape to secure paper onto backing board.
11. A water container..... Collapsible ones are great or a large yoghurt container!
12. is very specific! Don't economise with cheap pads of watercolour paper, it is a waste of time and money. The paper will give rubbish results and most pads are best kept for finger painting! Saunders Waterford, Arches or
BaoHong are very good. I prefer to use sheets 76 x 56 cms sheets, which I cut/tear to size. Medium pressed sometimes called 'Not ' is a great all round surface for workshops. Buy 300gsm paper, any thing else is too lightweight Arches ,
BaoHong and Fabriano all are great papers. For workshops - Allow at least 3 x sheets (28 x 38cm size....or larger if you prefer) per day.
13. Please cut to size before coming to the workshop, there will be no time or space to do so on the day!
14. Roll of kitchen paper.
15. Fine mister spray bottle to keep paper damp.
16. A small ruler.
17. A small sponge to dry /adjust the amount of liquid on your brush
As an advocate for Holbein paints, Jude uses and recommends their watercolours. Holbein watercolours produce an exquisite range of beautiful, transparent colours. These professional quality paints have very finely ground pigments that produce intense hues in a stunning range of beautiful colours.
Rose Madder
Quinacridone Red
Burnt Sienna
Mars Violet
Cobalt Turquoise
Cobalt 290
Ultra Marine Deep
Prussian Blue
Cad Yellow Orange
Quinacridone Gold
Aureolin Yellow
Yellow Ochre
Titanium White
Neutral Tint
Jude is a Perth WA Australia based Watercolour Artist - teacher and workshop tutor and Holbein Watercolour Representative Artist.
We first introduced Jude to you as one of our Original Juror's for our Australian Watercolour Muster and also for FabrianoInAcquarello - Italy and since that time Jude has travelled and completed Workshops in Italy and France sharing her skills internationally as well as here in Australia.
Jude explains her inspiration ........." Nature is endless source of inspiration, whether it’s a breathtaking landscape, a delicate flower, or a captivating face.
The expansive horizons of Australia, with the brilliant light and untouched beauty, beckon me to bring my visions to life on paper.
Flowers, with their vibrant colors and intricate forms, never fail to enchant me, offering a joyful subject to explore.
Similarly, the art of painting faces captivates me, as I uncover the contours shaped by time and nature, much like the landscapes I adore."
You can book your Workshop with confidence - knowing that we will refund the Workshop Fee - less $AUD10.00 Booking fee to cover bank and admin charges - provided we are notified in writing via our CONTACT FORM - dated one week prior to the commencement of the Australian Watercolour Muster Biennale - 2025 i.e. 10th September 2025.
Cancellations after this date will be refunded at 50% of the Booking Fee, at the discretion of the Curator of the Australian Watercolour Muster - Wyn Vogel - depending on the critical circumstances and again notified in writing via our CONTACT FORM - with your phone number and details of the Workshop / Event you are wishing to cancel. A booking fee of $AUD10.00 will be applied to these late cancellations.
There will be no refund if the Student doesn't advise of their inability to attend at least 24hours prior to the Workshop date and/or doesn't arrive at the Workshop!
Click here to Book Online
Tank 3 - The Tanks Arts Centre - Cairns Australia
46 Collins Avenue, Cairns QLD 4870